An Endearing List!

An Endearing List!

An endearing list of brief moments that make life beautiful.

  • I barely know some of you, yet the wholesome replies I receive to my newsletters every edition overwhelm me. The simple act of writing back kind words to a stranger is the softest form of displaying affection and people do it so beautifully :)

  • Every time the pink hibiscus flower on our balcony blooms, Mummy or Kaki will click a picture of it and send it to me, remembering my absolute obsession with it.

  • At a recent community gathering, my four-year-old niece found her way through the crowd, across the banquet hall, only to gently tap my shoulder and hug me tightly. Ahh, it melted my heart.

  • This friend who will start brewing chai before someone is coming over. Bless her heart!  

  • When a friend accompanies you for a cup of chai, even if they aren’t particularly in the mood for chai, simply because they know how much you are craving it.

Keep your chai close and these friends closer! 

  • The man I love, gently slows his walking pace, when he notices me taking wider strides to keep up. 

  • The Instagram reels, where women seem to have poker faces, instantly light up when they see their best friend approaching. 

  • I stumbled upon an excerpt from Meera Ganapathi and how endearing was this: 

I read somewhere that you feel sleepy around the people you love. And what can be a greater gesture of trust, than to feel vulnerable enough to let your eyes close, your mouth sag open, and your consciousness gives up - in the presence of those who won’t harm you. 

  • K arrives at home unannounced, simply because she is craving chai that my mother makes. 

  • When that friend you haven’t seen in a while doesn’t guilt trip you for not seeing them in a while. Ahh, relief and gratitude. 

  • When your friend saves you a seat at the table in social meetings or group gatherings, knowing how much you dislike sitting beside strangers.

  • People who exist in the moment, without feeling the urge to document it! How endearing, no? 

That’s it for this one, hope you enjoyed it and if this made you think of any anecdotes from your experiences feel free to share them, you know where to find me.


Before you go, enjoy some favourites from my gallery!

Wearing Mum’s decades old watch always makes me happy.
If you ever wondered how we pack our bespoke shirts before shipping them out!
In other news, I am warming up to a Kindle and I am unsure how to feel about it.

  In other news, I am warming up to a Kindle and I am unsure how to feel about it.

Until the next one much love and more chai!


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