Thoughts On Living Life

Thoughts On Living Life

The more time passes, the more I think about how I want to live this life. And often I will come across a quote or a phrase from another human who too has thought about how they wish to live life. So enjoy some of these thoughts:


More often than not I wonder, would things still get accomplished if I did my work without being in a persistent state of hurry?

Then I came across this quote: 

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu //

“Nature is not in a hurry, yet everything is accomplished” 



If like me, you also dislike being dictated to what you can or cannot do in life: 

Hunter S. Thompson //

“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance... You have no choice but to accept things as they are, or to seriously seek something else... But beware of looking for goals, instead, look for a way of life. 

Decide how you want to live and then see what you can do to make a living within that way of life..”



In this life, people are always going to judge whatever you do or don’t, but it is crucial to remember that people's judgments about you are not your business. 

Elizabeth Gilbert //

“Recognizing that people's reactions don't belong to you is the only sane way to create. If people enjoy what you've created, terrific. If people ignore what you've created, too bad. If people misunderstand what you've created, don't sweat it. 

And what if people absolutely hate what you've created?.... Just smile sweetly and suggest - as politely as you possibly can - that they go make their own fucking art. 

Then stubbornly continue making yours.”

Because over time you realise that nobody was ever thinking about you, to begin with. And this realisation gives you a bizarre power to do whatever you wish to do!



Paul Auster //

“That’s all I’ve ever dreamed of... To make the world a better place. To bring some beauty to the drab humdrum corners of the soul… To leave the world a little better than you found it. That’s the best a man can ever do.”

Though on the contrary, don’t take yourself too seriously to reform the world either. Enjoy while trying to do that.



Every time you do things in life unsure why you are doing them, ask yourself: 

Morgan Housel //

“Would I be happy with this result if no one other than me and my family could see it, and I didn’t compare the result to the appearance of other people’s success?”



Lastly, as  Christopher Morley said,

“There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.” 

And well, that is the ultimate goal. Isn’t it, freedom to spend life as I’d like to?

Of course, freedom comes in various forms and financial independence is the closest we come to experiencing freedom in this society. More about that in the next newsletter, maybe.

Until then, thank you for being here! I hope you feel inspired to be the ‘weirdo’ who dares to enjoy today (or another day or most days) :) 

Some favourites from my gallery!

I am convinced I am borderline addicted to Vietnamese Cold Brew!

Getting out of a mini reading slump, and this particular novel has truly helped me get back to reading daily

A friend had this lovely Kodak Film Camera and nostalgia hit hard. I can’t wait to get my hands on one.

Me on the rare occasions when I am this focused on a single task :P

Thank you for being here!

Until the next time, hope the days are kind to you, 

Krupa  🌺

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