An Ode To So Many

An Ode To So Many

The past few days have got me thinking about how everything I have managed to do with SOAWN (Spring On A Winter’s Night) has been due to the cumulative support and kindness of a few too many lovely souls in my life.

So if SOAWN Newsletter Archive/ Book had an acknowledgement page - it would read something like this.

An Ode To So Many 

‘Making anything creative visible is a lonely process, but I have never done it alone’.

Since, I dedicated the first edition print of the SOAWN book to the first love of my life - my mother, this acknowledgment section is dedicated to my father, Atul Shah, with love, far more than I freely express to him. 

Actually, Papa doesn’t read my newsletters often, so if someone doesn’t tell him about this, he’ll never know. 

To Papa, Thank you for lovingly embracing a stubborn, head-strong mini-version of yourself. I am certain it hasn’t been easy, though definitely it has been funny (on most days)!

I owe all my privilege to be able to pursue this brand to you, Papa, thank you!

To Mumma, as stated in my first acknowledgement, for being a sorcerer, keeper of secrets, and light in my life. Thank you! 

To K and N, since the time we were little girls, whose friendship and companionship I will continue to cherish till the end of time. 

An additional shoutout to K, for occasionally yelling at me for being too engrossed with my work, and then also yelling at me to work harder, so that the brand builds faster and she can be adopted by me, sooner. Thank you for providing me with motivation. 

To M, who adores and supports me with a vengeance, whose presence sparks so much joy in my life, that I find it difficult to accept. And to A, who adores M, and by that default, extends his kindness to me and my brand with a guardian like spirit. 

To my brother, and my first cousins, (N and H). I dedicate this with great reluctance, because they will taunt me for the rest of my life if I miss being grateful to the universe for blessing me with the BEST BROTHERS ever. 

(They did not force me to write this. I promise, they didn’t)

To Nani (in heaven or wherever she prefers)  and to Kapu (on earth) for having loved me on days good and bad! It is pure luck to have been loved by both of you! 

To Chandu, without whose humour and presence, I would definitely finish all my work much faster! 

To R, for encouraging me to simply create, to paint even if it is ugly, to just make. I owe all my ink-painting skills to you.  

To V, for years of friendship, long car rides and for providing a safe-haven to daydream loudly. 

To C and V, and their decade old friendship and their unwavering faith in me pursuing just about anything - creative or not!

To K, for answering calls on random days and patiently listening to me rant about how I am stuck and how I will get unstuck. 

To S, whose Newsletters back in 2020-2021, inspired me to start writing this one and sharing. I owe you :) 

To H, who I met through S, who has been a lovely friend, mentor and resource centre. 

To KM, who I met through H, who helped me build the e-commerce website. 

To MK who I met through KM, who is helping me figure out the world of social media marketing. And primarily, for tolerating my nonchalance with algorithms and numbers. 

To Twisha, who has been a gorgeous soul and mentor, who guided a lost creative soul to make sense of the brand world. Thank you! Also, please go show some love to Twisha’s brand - Carousel, it’s beautiful! 

To Hansika and her art workshop that I attended back in 2021. Those two months were pivotal in my journey and I am so grateful! And to each one of you, I cannot exaggerate how stunningly gorgeous her work is! Please go check it out, her Instagram profile is exquisite. 

To JT, SM, RM, DS, AB, AP, and so many more, I am grateful to you, even if I somehow forgot to mention you. I am grateful!

Lastly, Hi Dad! (Waves). I was certain someone (Mum) would have reminded you to read this one :)

Love, gratitude and one pappi to all, 


Some favourites from my gallery!

Cafe, coffee, novel afternoons are my favourite.

Sunlight is lovely this time of the year, though I can barely survive at the desk for more than an hour, thanks to the temperature :P

One of our subscribers and a lovely soul, shared these blooming Mangolias with me and it pretty much made my week. So grateful :)

Me, by my desk on a summer afternoon, hand-embroidering!

Until the next one much love and more chai!

Krupa 🌺

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