Non-Hustler’s Guide & Gratitude

Non-Hustler’s Guide & Gratitude

A mantra to live by - “Life is too short to not sleep when you feel like it.”

This is a bit of a personal letter but I hope you find comfort in it nonetheless. The past month I have been in a sort of professional (creative) lull. In simple terms, I have not been ‘productive’, as per the standards of productivity set by society.

I have not been ‘hustling’ enough. Apparently, a pre-requisite to being an entrepreneur or a self-employed person.

(Hustling is the state of overworking to the point where it becomes a lifestyle)

Hustle culture (or hustling) is a term overused at this point. A term I find fascinating. And I find the obsession of our society with it even more mesmerising.

Glorified long working hours. Time off is seen as laziness. And if you are not hustling, you are failing.

The problem is, I dislike hustling. There! I’ve said it. I am a non-hustler.

Hustlers do what they need to do and do so at the cost of everything else, especially when it comes to their professional life. I, on the other hand, have always had the tendency to pause and admire blooming flowers a little longer, daydream and sip my chai a little slower.

For the past month, I have simply struggled to work. I just have!

Sure, there were external factors such as overwhelming social and professional commitments, but none that could justify not being ‘productive’ in the conventional sense. However, what I could not justify more was the overwhelming guilt that I fostered against myself for not being ‘productive’ enough.

Much reflection later, I somehow managed to reduce the guilt. Not entirely but definitely reduced it to an extent that was ‘manageable’ to me.

So I am sharing some ways to feel more comfortable about ‘non-hustling’, if you dislike hustling too. Of course, there are so many factors at play with each individual, so instead of a defining guide, I thought I’d share some things that have helped me through the past month of not-hustling. Perhaps you can relate. Perhaps you have better coping mechanisms, in which case I’d love it if you could share them with me.

The first thing was to define how I want to spend my time and life? I spent hours pondering over this deceptively simple question. And time and again the answer was loud and clear to me. Finding my ‘how’ sure did help me to rationalize how I get to spend my time. This simple clarity also helped me become ‘okay’ with not being ‘busy’.

The second thing was to embrace boredom. Overcoming much resistance I realised it was incredibly difficult as well as absolutely okay to just be ‘bored’. In this fast-paced, instantly gratifying world, it is an act of rebellion to be ‘bored’.

The third thing was to redefine ‘productivity’. What did it mean to be productive? I have now established it for myself that any thing, person or experience that rejuvenates me or helps me think differently or introduces me to uncharted territories all fall under the category of ‘productivity’. Thus the time spent with these (things, people and experiences) is also considered as ‘being productive’.

Lastly, the consistent reminder that no work in life is worth losing my sanity over. The goal at the end of each day should be that despite the odds, it was a day well lived.

These were some of the many things that definitely helped me!

So, if there is a personal mantra I live by, it is this - “Life is too short to not sleep when you feel like it.”

I can hear some of my friends chuckling ;)

That’s it for this one, I am not a hustler and I am learning to like that and carve an alternate path for myself!

Lastly, a list to express my gratitude for some of the things, people and experiences that were a part of my non-hustling but productive period of 2022:

  • Spending time with friends who comfort in ways that warm your heart. Such as, during a particularly low phase, a friend made me a YouTube Playlist titled ‘Hugs for Krupa Shah’, and I laughed and sobbed while listening to it. Such as, the two friends who came over with comforting hugs, understanding smiles and spiked coffee shots. Unbridled laughter and more. Love!
  • At a particular Diwali Dinner, I met the boy who had shared his entire Enid Blyton collection with me more than two decades ago. It was such a serendipitous encounter, sure found a long-lost confidante that night! I still have every single one of those Blytons on my bookshelves.

    • Wrote a few personal letters this year, some on my happiest days and some on my lowest days. Through them, I learned to freely and unapologetically express my fondness and frustration. Something so intimate and endearing about sending personal letters/ emails. (Try it and most definitely reply back if you receive one :p)
    • Spent time with my eight-year-old niece, who lit up my spirit throughout this wedding season. If sunflowers existed as humans, she would be one!
      • The many (many) cups of chai (and coffee) that I shared with friends and strangers alike. I realise how fun and freeing a chai-coffee break can be when you simply enjoy someone’s company.
      • Discovered the joy and love in personally sharing pictures from the photo gallery with people who you wish had witnessed the moment alongside you.
      • Enjoyed and embraced the intimacy of receiving messages that say – ‘I saw this and I thought of you’. How endearing when someone shares something with the caveat that it reminded them of you :)
        • Finally, found the courage within and started my own brand. A long way to go, but look how far we have already come!
        • The many new acquaintances and friendships that bloomed this year are now cherished. Also, old acquaintances and friendships that were rekindled are now revered. A year of many new(s)!
        • The endearing year-end wishes and gratitude notes that you, my subscribers shared recently. Thank you! These replies to my newsletters have always been the highlight of my day.

        Onwards to 2023 with much gratitude!

        As always a song recommendation – Train Song by Raghu Dixit & Karsh Kale. This song always reminds me of the (rare) unforgettable souls who make me glad that our paths crossed.

        Before you go, enjoy some favourites from my gallery!

        The occasional coffee that replaces my evening chai!
        Tested out some blue ink for a Birthday Greeting Card for a dear friend.
        Picture from a photo shoot that I did for my website. Gratitude to my gorgeous friend who happily posed with my hand-embroidered shirt.
        Me! Looking forward to 2023 :)

        Until the next one sending love, a warm cup of chai and a reminder to hustle mindfully, Krupa

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