On Love Letters!

On Love Letters!

Love letters are the epitome of a delicate dance, where you can share too much, and too little in the same paragraph. ”

I still remember the moment right before I sent my first Love Letter. I looked exactly like the classic hand-over-eyes horror-film peeking between fingers emoji.

I wrote my first Love Letter (technically a WhatsApp message), at 22, when I typed out a mildly coherent, but rambly confession to the boy who I had been crushing upon for over a year. I am certain I never intended to send the text message. But one afternoon feeling more courageous than I am used to I pressed enter and sent that message. Then I moved on to hide my face behind a pillow and scream internally.

What transpired post sending that message isn’t of as much importance. Though, if you must know, he didn’t reciprocate my feelings. Alas! Unrequited love and its nostalgic charm.

Though what was of much importance was that I found within a voice, a quiet strength that simply made me feel free and empowered. I learnt that I could honestly and unapologetically share my feelings with another soul without dying (of embarrassment)!

The sheer joy.

Ahh, the relief!

That started my quiet passion for love letters. Over the years I have written a handful of love letters and a fair few letters to express how I feel. Love letters are for people who believe in love, people who love you, people who you love.

I love writing about love, about the possibility of love, about being in love, about loving another, about being loved by another, and about love as love is.

I publish almost none of that writing, perhaps because I find them intimate, perhaps because I am not sure if someone else would relate. But then I find writers, artists and musicians who unapologetically deal with the topic of love and they make me feel a little less nuts for loving love, as much. They make me realise what a life lived with love can look like and what a radical life that is.

Surely, all the love letters that I have ever written have provided me with joy, optimism and unbridled hope! There is something so endearing about being able to write about your feelings without being attached to how they will be perceived by another. As honest, direct confessions.

Love letters are a blast of love. And because we could all use a love blast ever so often, here are excerpts from some of the love letters I have exchanged with people who I loved and who loved me. Hope you enjoy them and enjoy love as much.

They are simple honest confessions from an utterly optimistic (mildly rational) heart! So enjoy them as that:

     “And you once asked me, if hibiscus was my favourite emoticon. Yes, it is!”

     “I just passed by a bloomed hibiscus and it reminded me of you.”

     You literally light up the room!”

     “I recently read a quote online (on Pinterest I think) which said –

     “Things keep happening and I always find myself wishing I could tell you all about them!”

Of course, I thought of you while reading it! I do wonder why we wish to share our thoughts with people. Specific people! I can’t point out why, but something so familiar about you, about us, that makes me want to share the highlights and the mundaneness of my day with you.

     “Today, on my walk I passed by this beautiful flowering tree, also known as the Cannon Ball Tree or Kailash Pati. It has these gorgeous eye-catching pink flowers that always make me pause and smile, every single time. I can’t wait to show this particular tree to you and hope you feel just as fascinated by it.”

     “Hi! Always good to see your name pop up as a notification.”

You once said that you are “always glad to see my name pop up as a notification”. I am wondering if you still feel the same.

     “Something tells me it would be nice to take strolls with you in a different city, eat at quaint cafes and just talk!”

     “I miss you, and I think about you often.

     Though, I think I’d miss you even if we had never met.”

     “I do apologise if my words overwhelm you, but I do not apologise for my words.”

Love letters are the epitome of a delicate dance, where you can share too much, and too little in the same paragraph. They are the whispers of a loving soul, the outpouring of our affection, and the declaration of our most intimate desires.

We are, after all, all the people we love.

And love letters are a fulfilling way to celebrate the joy, pain, hope, and despair that love encompasses.

Love, Love.

Until the next one, enjoy writing a love letter. And feel free to share the best love letters you have ever read or written. You know where to find me! :)

As always a song recommendation - Spring Waltz by Carla Bruni. On a cool night, under the starry sky, wrapped in a warm embrace, waltz away!

Before you go, enjoy some favourites from my gallery!

The table decor of a lovely cafe. Bloomed lilies sure can brighten up your mood. I have been working on a capsule collection of embroidered shirts, soon to be launched. Meanwhile, enjoy this Behind-The-Scene photograph. Stumbled upon this photograph in my gallery from Colombo, in March 2019. Me and my (half-visible) cup of chai! :)

Until the next one sending love and love letters that comfort you,
Krupa 🌺

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