Quiet Reflections on Unremarkable Days

Quiet Reflections on Unremarkable Days

This time around I am going to share a few reflections from my creative journey so far and what it truly is behind the scenes while building a brand.

(Psst: If I say ‘you’ in this letter, please know that I’m talking to myself more than I am ever talking to anyone else. Some days it is just me talking to myself aloud.)

     It is lonely. It is really lonely. I was unaware of how lonely this journey could get. Lonely days are aplenty. There are days when I am so lost in my head that I have to quite literally shake myself out of it. It is lonely, but I am not alone. So many fellow entrepreneurs are going through something similar - you have to seek out their experiences, their journeys. You need to read and listen to others who have been through what you are going through and besides, just ask for help, often!

     Kindness is impertinent. Nothing will be as crucial as the way you talk to yourself. Be kind to others, always, but extend that kindness to yourself as well. Be kind on bad days, especially on the days when you want to smack your own head for doing something stupid or taking a bad business decision. 

     Long walks and friends. It is true after all - a long walk will help you calm down and have a fresh outlook to resolve most of your concerns. And on days when that doesn’t work - go for a long walk with a friend. Just another perspective from a trusted soul, will help you deal with life better. 

     Leave your bubble often. Building a lifestyle brand is akin to building a world from your own imagination. It will feel like living in a bubble, which is great on most days - because you can cut out the noise and continue building. But you also risk getting lost within your own world. So step out of your bubble often, see your world through an objective, rational lens. Ask yourself:

     What would you feel about this if someone else was building it? 

     Delayed Gratification. Learn to embrace that a lot of small actions, consistently done over a long period of time will lead to good results. Chase long term full-fillment that comes from pursuing something and nurturing it over years and years.

     Intention is important. Why are you making this piece? Whatever you make, write, share, remember why you are doing it? And would you do this even if no one cared? If yes, then great, continue. Make things primarily for yourself - you have to enjoy your content first! 

     Pause. On days when self-doubt creeps in with a vengeance, pause. Simply pause, turn back and remind yourself how far you’ve come despite everything.

And on days when nothing works to keep the self doubt away, ask yourself “what would a mediocre man with confidence do?”

This will do the trick! :)

     It’s not that important. We seriously overestimate our own importance. Most of the things are not important and never will be. Most of the efforts will not achieve anything extraordinary. It’s important though that you make the best of your circumstances. And accept the fact that it is important to - Have fun!

     Have fun! At the end of the day - nothing truly matters if you aren’t having fun! Enjoy this stage, enjoy the chaos, enjoy the good days and mostly enjoy the privilege of this life that allows you to build something that you’d love to see in the world.

That’s it for this one! Until the next one, let me know your quiet reflections on things, life, any thing.

Some things that make my life better

This beautifully illustrated book by illustrator Manjit Thapp. 

This gorgeous embroidered art show by Jayeetha Chatterjee at Chemould Prescott, Mumbai.

Some favourites from my gallery!

One of the prettiest sunsets I have enjoyed at Juhu beach!

Pink Bougainvilleas and Blue Sky - Love!

Still thinking about this book that I read last month. Highly recommend.

Me, ‘Better Together’ by myself! Lol ;)

Until the next one much love and more chai!

Krupa 🌺

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