Whalein 52! (And Loneliness)

Whalein 52! (And Loneliness)

“When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind"

A small topic that I would like to talk about in this newsletter is – Whalein 52!

‘Whalien 52’ also known as the 52-hertz whale is an individual whale that calls at an unusual frequency of 52 Hz. Most whales have a pitch far lesser than this (around 10-39 Hz). Whalein 52 due to its higher frequency is unable to communicate with other whales, and has been described as the ‘world’s loneliest whale’.

A lonely, lonely whale. I had read about this back in my first year at university, but it wasn’t until recently that I recalled it. I have been wondering whether the whale finally found someone who could hear its high pitched frequency or whether it finally embraced its fate and stopped communicating altogether? I do hope it is the former of the ponderings.

There are many references to the 52-Hz Whale that have been made in contemporary art, most that metaphorically represent the Whale to this feeling of alienation that is experienced by someone because they are viewed as strange or unconventional and as a result are isolated from others.

The story of Whalein 52 is relatable because we as individuals are no different. We feel lonely and isolated far often than we care to accept. What is it about loneliness that is so common yet not easily embraced? Collectively we share a bond that has been fortified by having experienced loneliness at some point, especially during our adolescence.

Can we see loneliness? Can we hear loneliness? But we can always feel it, in us and in others. Loneliness is loud and on most days clearly visible. In moments of loneliness, we burrow deep down in our shells, and this past year has highlighted how deep we are capable of dwelling.

Just as any darkness can be broken down by the smallest ray of light, loneliness can be countered with small acts of acceptance. Accepting the strangeness that each of us carry like a scar that is hard to hide. And this acceptance stems from kindness, which is why it is simply crucial to be kind to one another, and definitely to ousrselves. In times like now, kindness is an act of rebellion! Please rebel often!

I would like to end this newsletter with a quote from the book ‘Wonder’ by R J Palacio -

“When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.”

Until next time, hope we all find the kindness that we seek and more so we extend the kindness that we so desperately need.

And as always, here’s a song that I’d like to recommend – Dancing in the dark by Rihanna. I highly recommend dimmed lights and earphones!

Sending love, hugs and a warm comforting cup of chai, always,


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