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Tales of Gender

Tales of Gender

Where does one start when narrating the many Tales of Gender? Are these tales universal? Are they fictional? Maybe!

Tales of Gender

Where does one start when narrating the many Tales of Gender? Are these tales universal? Are they fictional? Maybe!

Summer Vacation!

Summer Vacation!

Summers provided something that no other season did - a vacation! A vacation with the freedom to daydream, the freedom to just be, as you’d want to be. 

Summer Vacation!

Summers provided something that no other season did - a vacation! A vacation with the freedom to daydream, the freedom to just be, as you’d want to be. 

In Search Of...

In Search Of...

Reflections time and again lead me to accost myself - what am I searching for?

In Search Of...

Reflections time and again lead me to accost myself - what am I searching for?



A list of random things, thoughts, musings and mini-episodes from recent weeks. Rest assured they are random and are in no chronological or relevant order. They just are - random.


A list of random things, thoughts, musings and mini-episodes from recent weeks. Rest assured they are random and are in no chronological or relevant order. They just are - random.



What is Home? How does anyone define Home? Do you feel at Home? How do you know you are Home?


What is Home? How does anyone define Home? Do you feel at Home? How do you know you are Home?

An Ode To 2021!

An Ode To 2021!

A newsletter about some significant and some not-so-significant events/ experiences of 2021.

An Ode To 2021!

A newsletter about some significant and some not-so-significant events/ experiences of 2021.